School 2 School Support

The development of a high quality system of School to School support is identified as one of the key components of the Teaching School initiative. As a Teaching School Alliance North East Schools Teaching Alliance will work with other schools to support specific areas as requested and help identify areas of strengths and development.

The Schools White Paper ‘The Importance of Teaching’ (DfE, 2010) is underpinned by a model of sector led improvement. Increasingly, schools will be in control of their own improvement with designations and structures for school to school support being developed. The case for school to school support is a strong one, with compelling evidence of the benefits of collaborative working including:

  • improved outcomes for students and staff
  • access to a wider range of professional practice
  • financial savings
  • improved recruitment and retention
  • raised morale and increased capacity

(From ‘Partnership Working: Effective practice in school to school support’ DfE, 2011)
Through the use of Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs); Local Leaders of Education (LLEs) and National Leaders of Education (NLEs) North East Schools Teaching Alliance will broker support between schools across the region, working with a variety of schools / departments / leaders in different circumstances. North East Schools Teaching Alliance can offer an initial diagnostic by a leader from within the alliance and ensure that the best leaders and practitioners are working to improve the quality of teaching and leadership where it is most needed.
All support is a two way process whereby all partners can learn from each other.

Our vision is that all children and young people in the North East benefit from a collaborative, self-improving school led system that knows, understands and successfully meets its support needs.

For further information regarding support from North East Schools Teaching Alliance please refer to the SLE Information booklet &/or contact Nicki Smith, Director of North East Schools Teaching Alliance

Information regarding school to school support is also available on

Charges for the use of support are in line with the NETS agreement and range from £250 per day for an SLE to £550 per day for an Executive Head / NLE / LLE.