Overfields Primary

Overfields Primary School is on Daisy Lane, Ormesby Middlesbrough and the Headteacher is Mrs Tracy Watson.

The school motto is ‘DREAM, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE ‘ and this underpins all of our values.

We make no apologies for wanting the best for and from our pupils – our expectations are high and we are very proud of that. Our children know that we expect them:

  • to be committed to their learning so that they achieve well and reach their potential
  • to follow school  expectations and to be responsible members of the school, and wider community
  • to be kind, considerate and respectful of others
  • to be the best that they can be. 

The Ironstone Academy Trust shares our ethos and commitment to providing the best possible education for all pupils and in giving our children, families and community the best possible chances through a broad and relevant curriculum, enriched by well-planned visits and resources. We pride ourselves on our nurturing attitude of support, respect and care in all of our relationships and activities and for all of our children. 
